Sunday, February 6, 2011


At the Grand Mosque 

Today we went on an MWR trip into Kuwait City. Our first stop was the Grand Mosque, the 7th largest Mosque in the World.  First all the females in our group had to don the traditional black veiled dresses ... I know Adam will be disappointed they didn't sell any of these in the gift shop, sorry hon looks like I have to keep shopping at J.Crew.  

The main prayer room can hold up to 10,000 people at one time.  During Ramadan, the mosque utilizes all of it's extra spaces including courtyards, the parking garage and a nearby football stadium to accommodate up to 170,000 people.

Some writings from the Koran

The Dome

Beautiful tiling and Chandeliers

Hand Carved 

A hand Carved section of the ceiling in the Amir's special room. 

Fountain outside of the Mosque 
At the top of the Kuwait Towers, Right before we ate the BEST LUNCH EVER!!!!!
( Okay probably not EVER but the best lunch we've had in KUWAIT)  

Dining In

Boot JO and Bull Ensign

EMF-K (expeditionary medical facility - Kuwait) got together for a night of good food, funny jokes, and roasting each other with various toasts and of course the obligatory uniform changes!

I let Rausa borrow my transitional object for a prop ... 

Original Camp Virginia Ladies!! 

Loves beer just as much as the real bella =) 

Finally, edible food.  

Me and Danika 

Me and the DNS (Director for Nursing Services) 

Rausa and I won a CAMEL Award for our brave and valiant attempt to travel with the Army Infantry Battalion into Iraq. 

Dorothy & Toto

Pretty Similar